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GlowSwap Documentation 🎉
Core ConceptsInterest Rates

Interest Rates

Interest rates in GlowSwap are utilization based. The utilization rate is the ratio of the total borrowed amount to the total liquidity in the pool.

Utilization Rate = Total Borrowed / (Liquidity In Main + Total Borrowed)

Interest Rate Calculation

Interest rate calculations follow a step function based on the utilization rate as well as the current interest rate. In normal conditions, the interest rate can increase or decrease by as much as 20% of the current interest rate per day. GlowSwap targets an 80% utilization rate. When the utilization rate is above 80%, the interest rate will increase, and inversely when the utilization rate is below 80%, the interest rate will decrease.

The interest rate is calculated as follows:

Current Rate: 0.30%

Utilization: 75%

Days: 1

Final Interest Rate: 0.225%

When Current Rate > 0.5%:

1. If Utilization ≥ 80%:

rate = currentRate * 1.2^days

2. If Utilization 60-80%:

rate = currentRate / (1.2 - 0.2 * (utilization - 0.6) / 0.2)^daysrate *= (1 + 0.8 * 20/19 * (utilization/0.8 - 1))^days

3. If Utilization < 60%:

rate = currentRate / 1.2^days

When Current Rate ≤ 0.5%:

1. If Utilization ≥ 80%:

rate = currentRate + (20/19) * 0.4 * (utilization/0.8 - 1) * days

2. If Utilization 60-80%:

rate = currentRate - 0.1 * (utilization - 0.6)/0.2 * days

3. If Utilization < 60%:

rate = currentRate - 0.1 * days

Key Points

  • Target utilization rate is 80%
    • After 80% utilization interest rates climb, and below 80% interest rates decrease
  • Different adjustment formulas apply depending on whether current rate is above or below 0.5%
  • Rates have minimum (0.1%) and maximum (10,000%) bounds
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